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1 November—
10 November 2024

HilbertRaum, Berlin

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Undone with Helene Appel, Emmanuelle Castellan, Chinatsu Ikeda, Nikola Irmer, Jasmine Justice, Marta Marcé, Alisa Margolis, Mira O’Brien, Eva Schwab, Bettina Sellmann, Helen Verhoeven, Katie Vida, Bettina Weiß For HilbertRaum, a presentation of unfinished artworks from a Berlin-based crit collective: Context: Since before the pandemic, a group of us have been meeting in a WhatsApp group named Berlin Women Painters. But to be clear, we are not all painters, not all Berlin-based, and not all even sure if we are (still) women. What matters is that we regularly come together—on and offline—to support each other with deep-dive discussions about our work. Support: Lately we have been meeting to practice a four step critique method called CRP, or Critical Response Practice, a constructive conversation technique devised by the visionary choreographer Liz Lerman in 1990. In her words “Critical Response Process is a method for giving and getting feedback on creative work in progress, designed to leave the maker eager and motivated to get back to work.” Benefits: One of the more powerful aspects to CRP is that it is designed to empower the artist by keeping the focus on what they feel they most need help with. Power plays, political agendas, ego tripping and all the strange inequities fostered by traditional academic critique practices go mostly out the window when CRP is skillfully harnessed. Risks: To present unfinished works for critique requires courage and the willingness to be vulnerable in pursuit of greater understanding about our work, its processes, and where and how it meets its audience. Process: Through presentation of our unfinished works, like with the CRP process, we might be able to open dialogs more toward our generative processes, each artist here completely different from the next and offering perhaps a glimpse of our creative dream realms, unfixed, latent sates of what-if, wetness.